Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Garter snakes in a hundred-in-a-bed romp

Don't miss these amazing photos in the New York Times. Hundreds of garter snakes emerging from hibernation in their caves ready to mate - here. There are 10,000 males to every female so finding a mate isn't easy for the males in a carpet of writhing snakes. Female secret a scent, a pheromone. When a male finds her, they rub their chins along her back and flick with their tongues. How does she choose the right male? We don't know.
After mating, the male leaves a scent inside her, a sign to other males that she is not available. But if she waits a couple of days, this dissolves and she can mate again. If she chooses. Then she goes off into the swamps, feeds, and gives birth to live babies.

If you are reading this, and have a pet reptile, please do my survey which is here. It is for people that own, or keep, a snake, a lizard or a tortoise.

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